From time to time we heard from radio station read from the new's paper and from the seen from in a television that women and children are being abused.This abused are rampant and the community where people are mostly orban areas.Dispite the fact that there is a low providing for the protection of women and children from abuses from there parent;relative, and anybody. The VAWC means Veolence Agains Women and Children is a come into low to protects the right for women and children in all levels wethere you rich and poor, but why? there is still contenued abuses for women and children.If its a inforces to blame for this happening?or it is the concerned victims.Inforces are just doing there jobs what ever it is the victims themselves who do not know the low of being abused? LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN it us the high time for us to be vigilant that we are protected by low that any abuses made for us women and children should be reported to proper authorities for appropate action so thatour right should not be step on by anybody be courageous enought to tell the truth. So that the VAWC LOW would be enjoyed by anybody who got abused ;THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY!
hoi nday pgpost about internet